Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bloggers in Iraq and Afghanistan

Here are a few blogging websites run by soldiers and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. After exploring them, answer the following questions:

1. Is there a general consensus on how the war is going in Iraq or Afghanistan?

2. What are common themes that seem to be in every blog?

3. Is there anything new that you learned from reading the postings?
Girl blog from Iraq, talking about war, politics, and occupation.
One family's dairy of life in post-war Baghdad.
Author and freelance journalist Michael Yon sends dispatches from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A soldier on his third tour
Life and death in the Anbar Province through the eyes of a flight/trauma nurse

Thursday, October 30, 2008


The question is simple: Is Pakistan an ally of the US in the war on terror? 5 extra points go to the writer of the best response on the next unit test. Use the weblinks below as well as outside info to help formulate your answer. Responses are due on Nov. 9th.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Middle Eastern Media

According to the Jerusalem Post article posted below, what role should Jewish American groups play in politics? In your opinion, how much influence should these groups have over American politics?

Then read this selection from the Arab News. What problem does the author have with American politics?

Post by Monday, September 29th

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How much do you know about islam?

Here is a cool website that contains a bunch of great quizzes that range from easy to difficult. Take a few of them and see how much you know. Tell us if you were an Islam Info rockstar or just the guy sweeping up after the show. Postings should be completed by Friday, Sep. 19th.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Planning a Trip

We are planning a field trip through the Middle East that will bring us into contact with the people and places that we are studying. Your team of experts will create an itinerary and powerpoint presentation that will be both informative and useful in preparing the class for the journey. The trip will last one week, so set your priorities to get the most bang for the buck. Each team will have a specific theme, so plan your trip accordingly. Powerpoints will be presented on Friday, the 12th. Please leave any questions, comments, useful websites, etc. in the comments section below.

A Spiritual Journey
Ancient Civilizations
The Cuisine Scene
Points of Conflict
Places of Beauty

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Geography of the Middle East

The above link goes to a virtual quiz of the countries in the Middle East. Take the quiz and tell us how you did!